On the 27th of September, 6 boys and 18 girls from 4es A, B & C, attended* their first Science Instruction Workshop*.

Science in English 1

These pupils have chosen to sign up* for these 2-hour workshops, which take place every 2 weeks to satisfy their curiosity, to make experiments and to improve their level of English.

The opening session was divided into 3 parts :

• The first step consisted in getting familiar with the vocabulary of Glassware * and Utensils, which is the ABCs* when you work in a lab* 

• During the second part, the students learnt how to schematize the glassware in “science language”.

• The final step, the “LCE mates” used some of the glassware to make measures and to prepare a mint syrup…that they didn’t drink, of course !

Mme Gouinaud

TOOLBOX : To attend : assister / Science Instruction Workshop : Atelier Scientifique / to sign up : s’inscrire / glassware : la verrerie / the ABCs : ici, la base / a lab : un laboratoire

Science in English 2
Science in English 3
Science in English 4